Please post Ideal PC build specs based on UDK requirements


I’ve been looking EVERYWHERE for a decent thread on building a PC ideal for working in UnReal Engine 4 \ UDK.
There’s NOTHING to be found.

I can’t believe that I’ve found basically nothing of merit on the entire internet?!?!?

I’ve definitely learned some things since trying but I’ve yet to find a single relevant thread that talked about the bottlenecks with UDK and where to put your money. I did find a site the focused on a 3D Workstation build but that’s as close as I could get.

It seems that development in UDK is CPU intensive rather than Video Card \ GPU intensive so it makes more sense to buy the best CPU you can afford and put in as much memory as you can afford, the rest can be ramped up later. If anyone has contradictory information I’d like to be disabused of my ignorance.

After thinking about beefing up my current AMD quad core I’ve decided to go for the 6-core i7 Intel processor. At this moment in time it’s the lowest CPU that is compatible with 2011 v3 socket motherboards so that means 5 years from now I can slap an insane CPU in that motherboard and get another few years out of it.

I’m probably going to go with the integrated video in the beginning to save money (it really adds up quickly to do it right). I can always add more ram later (assuming I buy 8GB sticks from the beginning) and a video card as well. I’ll make sure to get a good PSU from the beginning so I don’t have to revisit that with the new video card.

This seems to be the best information I can currently gleam from those darn internets.

The Unreal Engine website has recommended specs for using UE4. And you definitely need a good graphics card, the integrated GPU is very poor performance. Also, the socket 2011 v3 motherboards probably won’t last 5 years, the socket 2011 only lasted through two series of processors, so it’s doubtful the new one would last more than that.

Hi Sinestrus,

UE4 and UDK are two separate engines that require vastly different computer specifications. So a lot of it depends on which engine you are wanting to work with. If you want to work with UE4, we have a listing of minimum recommended specs that you can find here:

If you’d like help with UDK/UE3, please check out the epic games forums