Please make me understand simple "movement" AddActorOffset im going nuts

Just to be clear. I watch and I watch tutorials, and I watch, and then when I build something simple that should work, it doesn’t. Please, what’s wrong with me, or my blueprint? Im sure I’m missing something super simple, some basic stuff.

I’m not even asking why my input on BP_Actor doesn’t allow me to use (dirty) key input. Even if I change Auto Receive Input. I can cast through LevelBlueprint - I can live with that.

But why on Earth when I use “~AddActorOffset” it doesn’t works ? : /
BP explanation - it’s nothing functional. I just wanted to prove something to myself. It’s kind of thruster. If I press key it accelerates. If I release key, it stops. I understand my EXE pins are not connected, but it didn’t work before I disconnected them either.

It actually works. Even pretty well. One of my BP components (StaticMesh) had simulate physics turned on. Not sure though why it didn’t work anyway - if someone is willing to explain, then thank You :stuck_out_tongue: . But pretty much the case is closed. Thank You <3 :stuck_out_tongue:

Connecting would help :wink:

Thanks M8, lets say that was just part of the case. But it truly did help :wink: .
Although on event tick I don’t get little “lag” after few seconds of holding.