Trying to learn UE. Has been very diffficult, I’ll jump right to the chase here and list up some concrete issues:
This is what you experience as a newcomer:
-If I import a “Nanite” mesh from Bridge, I don’t get the textures I saw in Bridge. Ihave to go into the material and change the nanite fallback error. Why? Would have thought that anyone importing a mesh would take for granted that it was imported as the person saw it.
Let’s look at this for a moment; It would be logical that I could import the mesh and textures at the resolution I chose. I understand that a lot of developers would like this as their default because they are making large maps, but as a learner and amateur it makes it hard to understand why you would set the error level that low on the nanite meshes.
When I have a problem in UE I have to google it. It has become the main thing that I do during my working day, I use about about 90% of my time looking for solutions to Unreal engine 5 bugs.
I used about a week to figure out my material didn’t work because a plugin was not enabled.
I’ve started up Projects that have taken 5 hours to compile, only to recompile all over again because I changed something in the Project settings. How about making it possible to set some settings beforehand, like enabling some plugins and THEN build?
In everyones learning path, it would be great for example that the “defaults” were set at a “normal” setting, like “Nanite fallback error: 0.8”. I realize that there are a lot of professional people using this software, but can you please make it a bit easier for us beginners?!
I’m sure you guys are working with the best developers in the world at this time. But if you want normal people to get into it and create. Please make it easier to get started…