Please, I need help, I can not install at all the "EpicGamesLauncherInstaller-2.0.1-2467307.msi" or other versions

Please, I need help, I can not install at all the “EpicGamesLauncherInstaller-2.0.1-2467307.msi” or other versions

When you run the installer I get the following message (image below), I have done what is recommended in the following publications:

  1. DLL issues when trying to install - Community & Industry Discussion - Epic Developer Community Forums
    2.32118- 3. Unreal engine 4 installer doesn't work - DLL required - Getting Started & Setup - Epic Developer Community Forums
  2. DLL Missing for Installation - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
  3. DLL required for installation! - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

None of the above helped me, I do not know what to do, Please I really need help. (I’m using Windows 7)…

Thank you for your attention!


Hi Guihs1,

Could you post a copy of your dxdiag (system specs)? In Windows you can find them by going to the Start menu and typing ‘dxdiag’ into the search bar. Click ‘Save All Info’ and upload the text file here.



Hey Guihs,

Could you also grab your Install logs and post that for us? You should be able to follow these steps here and post your EpicGamesInstallerLog.txt

-Max B.

I can not find this file “EpicGamesInstallerLog.txt” actually can not pass the first stage, by clicking to try to install the error appears cited above, and closes all, that I can not understand, if only speak which DLL missing she be placed manually in the system.

have you made sure you have permissions to your "C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Temp" or "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows" folders?

-Max B.

After a few attempts I managed to generate the “Log”, I am attaching it.
I have access folders, but do not know if the installer is having the same access, and I’m not able to give him, or at least make sure he has.

Try these steps to make sure you actually full access to the folder to make changes to it:

  1. Open Windows Explorer are locate the mentioned folder above.
  2. Right click on the folder, the Local Properties pop up window will appear.
  3. Select the tab Security.
  4. Click Edit, the Permissions for Local pop up window will appear.
  5. On Group or user names, select the desired user.
  6. Ensure that the Allow check box for Full control is activated, else activate it.
  7. On the Permissions for Local pop up window, click OK (if no changes were made) or Apply (if changes were made).
  8. On the Local Properties pop up window, click OK (if no changes were made) or Apply (if changes were made).

-Max B.

There is no other way to install the EU4?
I did what I was advised and nothing has changed, I’m considering giving up engine gives (It’s not what I want but I can not be holding back that I must soon deliver to college (classroom activity) unfortunately) if necessary to would lower elsewhere seeing that she is now “free” ie to reduce the other place would not be bad for the company.

Please, I need the engine and now I do not know what else to do.

Thanks for trying to help me, I am very grateful for that!

I had the same problem as you an hour ago i fixed it by opening Command prompt as admin and entered

START C:\EpicGamesLauncher.msi

of course i also made the launcher name shorter and placed it in my C drive

it worked for me hope it works for you also.

It worked perfectly, amazing how a simple command decided.
Do not know why I did not think about it, ahuaushuashus …