[please help]

What type of blueprint do I need to make an event on game start to fire off reading from the ini and start setting values to blueprints?

I tried an actor and use event play but it never did anything … even attached a send message to users just to see if it did anything and it never fired.

I really need to be able to get a script to run on game start that’ll add my engrams to the primaldata ONLY if the user put in the ini they wanted the engrams value set true

Now I already did all the things on the other post that shows how to read from the ini and then I set that data but the event play doesn’t ever fire.

i read somewhere there is no read/write access to any of the files through the editor…

Oh, another article said you can read from usergamedata.ini but no other file guess I’ll have to try something else thanx for the info

maybe you can read from that file. let me look around

I’m still needing help with this all I want is a shops=true or false value set … that lets the admins decide are the shops avail through engrams or not that’s it

all i found was a how to that you were involved in on the forums, im assuming that didnt do it for you?

Nope I can’t get the thing to actually fire … I did the event begin play as what should start it but the event never fired :confused:

Hey davetiger, admins can disable specific engrams via setting in the Game.ini:


Replace “YOURENGRAM” with the name of you engram entry.

REALLY? wow man thank you that’ll save me so much time