So, what is happening here is…
I rotate my character on the server and the client rotates at the same time.
If I try and rotate on the client nothing happens… I want them both to rotate.
but separately…
Client rotates (Doesn’t rotate the server preview character)
Server rotates (Doesn’t rotate the client preview character)

but both rotate.

Heres how my code works… I made an interface with a function called SetPreviewMestRotation…
on my preview character I made a function called Set Mesh Rotation

in my character preview widget i do this: w

then i have an override function that calls the set preview mesh rotation Interface event:

My question is how do I make this work properly or what an I doing wrong?

so you just want each player to rotate its own pawn, not replicated?

if so dont use GetActorOfClass, you dont know who you’re getting.

if its the player pawn you can use GetPlayerPawn(0), if not you have to find a way to get the pawn variable to the widget.

I switched everything over to a pawn and now it doesn’t rotate at all…

you mean GetPlayerPawn(0)?
is it actually the pawn you’re trying to move though? meaning is it possessed by the PlayerController?

the preview character is of type actor…

I know it’s the get actor of class thats causing my problem
but what’s another way of setting a preview Character reference without using get actor of class?

you’re likely spawning it somewhere, save a reference to it there.

for example if you use your PlayerController to spawn the Actor then save it, then in your widget

im not spawning the preview character I just drug it into the world and sent it to outerspace…

probably better to spawn it yourself so you can have control over it.

But otherwise you can use GetActorsOfClass (plural) and get a copy of 0 or 1.
but i really don’t recommend that.

Hey @veevogames1

here is an example (680.2 KB)

How can I integrate this with my own project. @L1z4rD89