Please help with anim transition rules, pt. 2





Reposting for further clarification so I can get a better understanding of what’s necessary. Decided to do a walk/jog blendspace and that works fine for now. My main issue at the moment is transitioning to my crouch/prone states. For now I’m working on walk to crouch and idle to crouch. I’ve attached my event graph from my character bp and my anim bp’s event graph. Am I overdoing the bools? What would be the specific transition rules based on my bools? (all set to true). If I can get a better understanding of these highlighted transition rules I’d feel more confident working the other transitions.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you

So many bools. Also, one question: when you set, for example, IsStandToCrouch to true, do you ever set it to false?
If not, then all those IsXtoY variables are pratically useless.


Can’t use IsXtoY until you answer the previous question about it.

My bad. 4 and 5 are switched.

Ive deleted the isXtoY variables since they have no purpose, however with the rules youve shown its automatically entering the stand to crouch states and looping it (loop stand to crouch animation set to false). Any ideas why?

No worries, I caught that right away. Somethings wrong in my state machine. In debug its looping from (idle) to (stand to crouch) to (crouch bs) to (crouch to stand) back to (idle)

All is figured out. My character bp was wrong, the gate was unnecessary so I switched that out with a retriggerable delay and it all works fine now! Thanks all!