I am using UE5.3.2. When creating a C++ Project, it shows a Compiler Error:
Running C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.3/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Build.bat Development Win64 -Project=“C:/D/UE_Project/UEM4U/UEM4U.uproject” -TargetType=Editor -Progress -NoEngineChanges -NoHotReloadFromIDE
Using bundled DotNet SDK version: 6.0.302
Running UnrealBuildTool: dotnet “…\Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool/UnrealBuildTool.dll” Development Win64 -Project=“C:/D/UE_Project/UEM4U/UEM4U.uproject” -TargetType=Editor -Progress -NoEngineChanges -NoHotReloadFromIDE
Log file: C:\Users\001939\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log.txt
Creating makefile for UEM4UEditor (no existing makefile)
@progress push 5%
Parsing headers for UEM4UEditor
Running Internal UnrealHeaderTool C:\D\UE_Project\UEM4U\UEM4U.uproject C:\D\UE_Project\UEM4U\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UEM4UEditor\Development\UEM4UEditor.uhtmanifest -WarningsAsErrors -installed
Total of 0 written
Reflection code generated for UEM4UEditor in 1.4095625 seconds
@progress pop
Building UEM4UEditor…
Using Visual Studio 2022 14.42.34436 toolchain (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.42.34433) and Windows 10.0.22621.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x66)\Windows Kits\10).
Determining max actions to execute in parallel (10 physical cores, 12 logical cores)
Executing up to 10 processes, one per physical core
------ Building 6 action(s) started ------
[1/6] Resource Default.rc2
C:/Users/001939/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache: Maintenance finished in +00:00:00.474 and deleted 0 files with total size 0 MiB and 0 empty folders. Scanned 956 files in 1613 folders with total size 21 MiB.
[2/6] Compile [x64] SharedPCH.Engine.Cpp20.cpp
Detected compiler newer than Visual Studio 2022, please update min version checking in WindowsPlatformCompilerSetup.h
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Experimental\ConcurrentLinearAllocator.h(31): error C4668: ‘__has_feature’ is not defined as a preprocessor macro, replacing with ‘0’ for ‘#if/#elif’
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Experimental\ConcurrentLinearAllocator.h(31): error C4067: unexpected tokens following preprocessor directive - expected a newline
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine\SkeletalMesh.h(799): warning C4996: ‘FBoneMirrorInfo’: FBoneMirrorInfo is deprecated. Please use UMirrorDataTable for mirroring support. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.
I am using Visual Studio 2022 17.12.4 and MSVC 14.42.34436, and I selected Windows 11 SDK 10.0.22621.0. I don’t know what I installed incorrectly, and I only have Visual Studio 2022 on my machine.