Please help!! - Wheeled vehicle - Wheels suddenly wont rotate or turn

I really need sone help here because i havent changed anything that should cause this and i havent been paying attention to the wheels all day so i have no idea whats causing this.

Suddenly when im drivibg my car, the wheels are frozen in place. Everything else works, the car drives just fine, turns and all that. The onlh problem is the wheels. I have the animBP applied, and its contents are the exact same as theyve always been. Just this code in the anim graph. Physics is still turned on in the vehicoe mesh. Its doung this to both the parent car abd the child. The wheels are applied to the correct bones.

Theres nothing else i can think of.

Please tell me you guys have some ideas because im avsolutely baffled.

I hope to hear from you and thanks in advance.

Greetings @DangerousMindGms

As long as you have the correct animation blueprints applied and setup correctly, it should work. I’d start by going into the details on the animation and make sure it’s set correctly. I know you mentioned you hadn’t changed anything. I’d double check that something wasn’t altered at some point with that.

Ok in the animation sequence itself right? Any specifics i should look for?

Is there a way to migrate assets from a newer version to an older version project that you know of?

Thanks so much for replying. I feel mostly on my own with this and i fear I’ll have to completely restart this project in maybe 5.1 if this animation look-over doesn’t work. Many, many hours of work. So thanks and i hope to hear from you again.

I just realized…i.don’t think the wheels rotating or turning go by animation. I’m honestly not even sure how the wheels no when/how to move since I’m following a tutorial. Ate you sure theres has to be an animation involved?


Possibly. But, I haven’t did it without an animation personally. Do you have a link to the tutorial you’re using? I could take a look and see where the issue could be. Thanks!