Please help, unable to build project and do not know what to do

The error I keep receiving is referencing that it cannot find “BP_GM_Framework” which is not even present anywhere in my project. I am using a different gamemode completely in my project settings. I think it might be referenced in Unreals memory for some reason, but I have no knowledge for how to resolve this. What can I possibly do here to make my project able to be built?

The error in question:

PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Game Design\Unreal Engine\LevelStudy1 5.2\Content\Blueprints\BP_GM_Framework.uasset: Failed to load '/Game/Blueprints/Core/BP_GM_Framework': Can't find file.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Game Design\Unreal Engine\LevelStudy1 5.2\Content\Blueprints\BP_GM_Framework.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to load package for import object 'Package /Game/Blueprints/Core/BP_GM_Framework'
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogTexture: Display: /Game/MSPresets/MSVTTextures/BlackPlaceholder.BlackPlaceholder is marked for virtual streaming but virtual texture streaming is not available.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogCook: Display: Cooked packages 451 Packages Remain 492 Total 943
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LoadErrors: Error: /Game/Blueprints/BP_GameModeBase : Failed import for Blueprint /Game/Blueprints/BP_GameMode.BP_GameMode [redirection] in /Game/Blueprints/BP_GameModeBase Referenced by export ObjectRedirector /Game/Blueprints/BP_GameModeBase.BP_GameModeBase
PackagingResults: Error: /Game/Blueprints/BP_GameModeBase : Failed import for Blueprint /Game/Blueprints/BP_GameMode.BP_GameMode [redirection] in /Game/Blueprints/BP_GameModeBase Referenced by export ObjectRedirector /Game/Blueprints/BP_GameModeBase.BP_GameModeBase
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Greetings @yosheDev

When building this from the start, were these files once a part of the project that you later removed? If so, you could move your whole project over from the older project to a new one and set it back up. That should refresh all of your project files. Let me know if that helps!

Interesting, this worked! I’m lucky I didn’t have to rebuilt any levels just migrating the project worked fine.

I don’t recall if those files were in the project once upon a time but it’s very likely because I started off viewing a few multiplayer framework tutorials, and the filename kind of hints to that.

Thank you!

You’re very welcome! I’m glad that I could help!

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