Please Help -- Swamp Spawn Table Crash

Hi there community,

With the newest ADK update 217, I stumbled upon a major issue. Whenever I remap either Swamp or Swamp_Water to my custom variation via the PGD, it cooks, it starts but when players enter the zone, my server (PC) completely shuts down and reboots itself. No BSOD, just simply full shutdown and automatic reboot (like pulling the plug), without any error log report. The last thing people see is A LOT (e.g. 50+ Boa’s together) before this happens. I’ve tried this multiple times and it happens the same time over again, whenever people enter the swamp.

The changes I’ve made to the new swamp is a simple Boa mod which upgrades it’s HP a bit and changes melee damage to an improved torpor variant, nothing more, nothing less. I’ve first tried editing it by simple adding it to the spawn list, with a weight of 0.01 and a limit of 0.01, which in the past when used on other custom creatures gave no issues. Then I tried it via remapping the original in-game Boa with mine also via the PGD and removing the remapped Swamp spawn tables from the PGD remap. This still didn’t solve the issue…

Is it that the new swamp via the latest ADK is bugged as … or is it something else? If so and other people are experiencing this, could the devs look at it and update the ADK with a fix, because this is quite frustrating…



Since the last update from the ADK, I’m experiencing the same issue also in the swamp region. Unfortunately I don’t have any fix as well. I’ve tried multiple solutions but to no avail. Hopefully someone can provide an answer or if not possible, can the ADK be updated via a fix from the devs? The million snakes in the swamp area are like a plague. It compromises server stability and causes shutdown and reboots just like mentions.

Thank you in advance,