Please help me with blueprint

hi i have a problem, the function i am trying to add is to dry the meat in the dryer but it works well on the first hook created otherwise no … I will be happy for help Screen capture - 6f8b2d56680256e0eb84d397a3939ec7 - Gyazo
I think this is to blame, but I don’t know how to do it so that it attaches to each hook separately Screenshot - d66faeb44f7095e998d8ae069a802df6 - Gyazo

First, you don’t need the cast.
Second, without knowing what “DestroyMeat” and “StopMeat” does, we are unable to help you. By the names, it seems you’re destroying the meat and then trying to use it.

Stop meat is a new event that stops the timeline . and destroy meat is the actor delete from the scene . The timeline is set to remove raw meat and add dried meat when the timer is complete.

But the timeline only stops at the first created actor hooks

Without more seem more it’s going to be difficult. So I can only guess. The reason is perhaps you’re always getting the same Meathook object: You are getting all methooks but always using the first (Get index 0).

How to repair?

Since I have no idea how your BPs are laid out and operate, it’s going to be a little difficult.

I will assume you’re using perhaps a linetrace to identify the meathook. If so, then instead of using the “Get All Actors of Class”, you need to pass the actor from the hit result (Hit Actor) from the linetrace to destroymeat and stopmeat functions.

I fixed using change get all actor of class to get change for parent actor . But it doesn’t work for me another feature.