Hello community, please help me with this…
For the past few weeks I’ve been reading everything I could about multiplayer, watching videos and such, but I’m still stuck in the development of my game.
So I’ll list here all the questions I couldn’t find an answer or just couldn’t figure out the explanations/documentations.
What am I trying to do?
My game is basically a big arena where mages fight to death in a deathmatch style.
What do I need?
The Players join a game and chooses his/her team, element and spells (each selection have its own widget),
and after selecting all this things, the game spawns a mage for him/her, and they all go to battle. THATS IT!
So… pretty simple, but believe it or not, I’ve spent about 2 weeks trying to make this work and with no success.
To the questions then:
Where is the best place to create the widgets for selecting Teams, Elements and Spells for my player? In the Game Mode? Is in the Player controller? Inside the Pawns? Honestly, I’ve changed the way this widgets are created so many times, but the clients always get bugged.
Where is the best place to store this values (Team, Element choice, spells choices)? In Player State? Player Controller? Player Pawn? I started storing this values in the Player Controller, but it seems that Player Controller don’t replicate, so I tried using the Player State, but working with it is just a pain and I can’t find any info/docs about it.
How can I properly update my clients through Game State and Player State or Vice-Versa? Working with this two has been really painfull to be honest, the documentation says you should use game state and player state that replicates, to have clients updated, but I can’t just figure out HOW, I can’t find nothing about this anywhere, how to use it or what does it need to work…
Where should I use/cause/receive Damage? Event Any Damage seems to exist in almost every class, but I’ve read that damage should be only calculated/registered server side, so what am I supposed to do?
How can I properly destroy actors? Same as the damage, “only the server should destroy actors, otherwise the clients won’t know about it”… HOW to do this then? Another case where the is no information about it and what you should do to make things work properly.
Sorry if I look mad writing this, its because I AM! I started making this game just for fun, to start things up as a game designer, but Oh My! I’m regreting the decision to make a multiplayer game so hard…
Just for reference, Ive basically copied all the setup from this vídeo on how to setup multiplayer with steam [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RlYegIkN0Y]
And everything in this video just works fine, no problems here… the problems start when I try to control when and where the pawns are spawned, and to create their widgets so the players can select their teams, elements and spells.
So please community, I beg you! Please tell me what to do, I’m so tired of working on this game with no success, but I promissed myself I would ask for help before giving up.
Thank you.