Please Help! inventory widget

Hello everyone, I’m looking for an answer but so far I can not find it, and I’m writing here in the hope of help.
I want to implement an inventory, I have no problems with the logic of the inventory itself, but there is a problem with widgets … I want to make an inventory that does not have slots like in Life is feudal your own, and the problem is that I can’t figure out how to move items inside the inventory window, when I try to move them around the screen everything is fine, but if they are in the inventory window, then there are problems, and the items are moved to the wrong place… If anyone has any ideas, write, I will be grateful!

I’d be start from printing out coordinates in both approaches to get more information

this is what I have achieved at the moment, the strange thing is that the slot is shifted to the left, but if I place the window on the left, then everything is fine.

maybe you need to somehow fix it in the coordinates of the widget, or my calculation of the drop point is not correct.

Check anchors for each widget - it probably causes the problem