found this video and the same thing is happening to me with smaller objects, i believe its an issue with my characters capsule component (CollisionCylinder) but not sure what would be a proper setup? i have enabled substepping with a value of 4 for max substeps and delta time 0.008677 which i found helped the actor objects stop disappearing. also had to toggle ignore Base rotation on my character because it was cause my movement axis to change directions while walking around, i have a static camera setup.
Can you post a video of what’s happening in YOUR game?
Almost certainly the character’s collision is getting “trapped” and the object is trying to “spit it out”, and/or you set “Can Character Step On?” to false.
Character step on is false, i do want my characters to be able to push the object forward while walking. Im really new to ue5
Does your skeletal mesh collides with the Physics Simulated objects? Small objects actually make these things happen. Since your object are not chunks from destructible mesh, I have a workaround in my mind. Put a box collision a little bigger than your character. Than make simulated object to collide with this box only.
its like the size of an apple or beer bottle and i want it to be able to get pushed around from my character walking into it, without it being so glitchy like in the video lol i find if I’m moving slow its not bad but when i hit it at running speeds i glitch through the floor or just goes crazy, throws my character, glitches etc…
Okay. Just try the box I mentioned.
Character Mesh and Capsule Components ignoring the simulated mesh.
Simulated Mesh ignoring pawn and blocks the box in character mesh *(edit).
I just tried this and working perfectly.
Thank you so much cant believe it was that simple lmao your a genius! <3
You’re welcome. Keep the developing runnin’
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