Please Help! Health Bar Above Enemy NPCs

Can’t figure this out. Trying to get a health bar widget to become visable above an enemy when the player gets within range. The widget visiblity works fine, I just can’t get the progress bar of the health bar to update for the client. Works fine for the server, but the client won’t update.
This is how the widget is getting set for the enemy character blueprint:

This function runs to update the enemy health bar

Here is how the colision works to turn on the visiblity (which works fine) and then runs the update function

Here is the event within the HUD widget that is getting triggered

Works great for the server… but not at all for the client

figured it out, the enemy (as a client) was failing on the cast to the Game Mode. So I just connected the Cast Fail to the chain and it worked… for anyone else struggling with this, the above format does work for multiplayer.