Please Halp... AI not moving after Building Landscape

I am not sure if I did something wrong or this is a bug.

I am not getting any errors or anything

But everything was PERFECT! I had my AI behavior tree set up. and i was beginning on setting up landscape.

I made a landscape and then added a physics volume for water.

After doing so and testing my character for swimming I noticed my AI wasnt moving anymore

My Behavior tree runs, but when it hit move to after getting random location it skips through the mvoe to and back to beginning of sequence.

My ai responds to other things like me getting close and stuff.

what can this be?

im really bummed out…

Well this was weird.

I “fixed” it.

I was analyzing my nav mesh bounds volumes. and I noticed an “extra” “RecastNavMesh-Default”.

I deleted it and hit Play.

everything seems to work now…

Anyone care to explain to a noob what the heck that is?

hey, I have this issue to. although one recastnavmesh default is greyed out saying (unloaded) and I cant delete it. even with streaming off. its broken all my AI. they never move.

If I add a new navbounds volume it creates a new recastnavmeshdefault.
Is my level now unuseable?