Please fix Epic Launcher so it doesn't use up all the VRAM. It's impossible to ADD anything to a project.


Every time I try to add something to a project from Epic Games Launcher to Ue 5.4 [or 5.3, 5.x, even 4.x] it can’t because it freezes and eventually crashes. Keeping an eye on the system resources and I can see the VRAM skyrockets as all the products are loading. This being even when you click all/click all again to hide everything, over and over. The VRAM still gets used up. This DID NOT HAPPEN pre FAB’s mess last year.
To be clear my video card is just 6GB VRAM and has been fine up until trying to access anything in FAB that I’ve purchased over the years.
And before you say ‘Try the FAB Plugin’… How does one ADD the FAB plugin from Epic Launcher when one can NOT load said plugin to select and ADD it to engine/project! :slight_smile:


What type of bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Loads the Launcher.
Load your Vault area and scroll down to see said vault items you’ve bought over the years.
Wait and watch your VRam.

Expected Result

That FAB works?
FAB has this issue. Epic did NOT.

Observed Result




Operating System

Windows 10

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Additional Notes

See Summary.