I’m trying to build a nice new machine specifically for mapping and environment work in UE4. I’m keen to spend my money wisely. At the moment, I’m looking at the following. Are there any ways I can make this better? I’m not shy of spending an extra $400-$500 if it means considerable performance lift. Also, please let me know if there’s anything brand specific I should look at. I’m thinking about a Titan…
Very nice, but you still need Power Supply (around 550-600 Watts I would say), 8 to 16 (16 is good for UE4) Go of RAM and a Motherboard. Unless you are upgrading your computer^^
You don’t need a AIO liquid cooler, especially for that processor. It’s a waste of money, and there’s a small risk of it leaking. Just get a after market cooler with good ratings.
And if you weren’t joking about a Titan (I assume you mean a Titan X), then go for a 980Ti instead.
Other than that, the stuff you have picked out is good, although I would go for an i7, which is why I asked about upgrading, because I see no mobo there.
Thanks so much for the feedback guys.
I think I’ll go the 980Ti instead of the Titan. Do we think there’s a consensus on the after market coolers?
I’m going to try and salvage some parts from my current machine, but I think I’ll end up buying all new. Is 32GB of ram overkill?
Actually since you have the budget it’s best to go with an unlocked Haswell i7. You could jump to Skylake i7 and DDR4 if you’re getting a whole new platform anyway.
980Ti should be well worth it. Make sure it’s factory overclocked with well-reviewed cooling.
For CPU after market coolers I would say buy the best Noctua air cooler you can afford.
32GB of RAM seems overkill. 256GB fast SSD with 1TB 7200rpm HDD and 16GB of RAM should complement your CPU and GPU well enough.
Don’t forget the 750W power supply. For a single-card solution 1KW is overkill but 750W (80% of better etc.) should give you the headroom, especially for overclocking the CPU and GPU.
32GB might seem overkill now but his computer will last quite long in my opinion. Since the RAM isn’t likely to drop it’s price, you can see it as an investment for the future.^^
In the end, I wanted to balance the specs out so I’d get the best of all worlds.
I ended up with the following: I might upgrade ram and graphics card next year!