Please allow FGameplayTagContainer as EditCondition, EditConditionHides

Please allow existence of a certain tag inside a UCLASS’s FGameplayTagContainer attribute to be used as EditConditions. GameplayTags are a great alternative over having a bunch of booleans. However only booleans and enums are supported as EditConditions.


// Not best coding practice but proves the point I am trying to make
class AMyActor : public AActor
FGameplayTagContainer MyActorTags;

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta=(EditCondition="MyActorTags.Contains(MyGame.MyActor.Damageable)", EditConditionHides))
float DamageResistance;

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta=(EditCondition="MyActorTags.Contains(MyGame.MyActor.Damageable)", EditConditionHides))
FColor DamageFlashColor;


Does anyone have solution for this?

Anyone has an idea how to do this?


Your replies are full of strange links. I’m a little concerned. Can Epic have a look at this?

Can someone have a look at this?

Any update on this?

Related to this:
Extended support for EditCondition inside USTRUCT (State Tree) - Programming & Scripting / C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums (