Basically, it would be a super useful feature for Blueprints
whatever else anyone can think of
I know we have the LogText node, Error log, BP Break on Exceptions and Functional Tests for Frontend (which is poorly or non-existent in docs btw), but sometimes there are things that do work but shouldn’t.
This would be very helpful.
This have been requested so many times, apparently Epic isn’t interested.
So I began developing my own Try / Catch library for Blueprints:
Basic functionality is there, the problem will be to find a reasonable way to catch *Casting *failures.
I want to implement for Blueprints the default exceptions library that can be used on dotNET code, (instead of enabling exceptions for C++ compiler):
Looks sweet. Another Plugin under your belt 
Took me around 70 C++ classes to make some 20ish nodes.
If you have Visual Studio debugger attached when an exception node catches something, the node will notify Visual Studio to break an auto break point on C++ side, for programmers to track what happened, besides designers tracking breakpoints on blueprint graphs as well…
Seems promising so far, I sent source code to EpicGames for review:
Marketplace team already published this.
This one was fast :0
My initial intention was to make this free, but took way to much longer than I thought would take to make these nodes 
It’s only runtime.
But if the packaged game is running with Visual Studio debugger attached, a catch will rise a breakpoint + log
Visual Studio then will pause the game and jump to the code in try/catch node where the exception was triggered.
Creating nodes to check if a module exists is easy.
Extending UBT is not.
There’s no easy way to make UBT ignore a plugin that is missing if your Blueprints are wired to that plugin.
Somewhere this month I’m going to submit an update with support for custom exception handler classes that can be coded as Blueprints (just override the “Throw” event of the class in anyway you want):