Had my first PS4 game release in May and I’m trying to calculate the 5% royalty statement for Epic.
Sony’s official statements are making it incredibly difficult since I get reports from 3 different territories (Americas, Europe, and Asia).
America’s statements are easy as they provide a clear gross revenue amount I can calculate against.
Asia only provides my net revenue amount in USD. No gross data is provided.
Europe Statements provides only Wholesale price data and units sold (not the total gross revenue). Europe does provide a weekly snapshot of sales and that does appear to include gross amounts (including VAT). My understanding is this snapshot is unaudited data and as I compare the two there are very small differences. In addition, Europe statements are in Euros while the US and Asia are in USD. Would I use the current exchange rate when adding the Euro amount to the total revenue in USD?
Given these challenges, how should I proceed with the royalty statement for my game? I can’t be the first publisher to run into this issue (unless everyone else is using a custom license).