Playstation controls?

Seems like this would surely be talked about somewhere, but I can’t find anything.

How do you setup UDK games to work with playstation controllers?

Is there nothing for it in the *Input.ini files? It might be easier to use SteamInput then, unless you’re actually making a PS3 game. I would very strongly advise against trying to make a PS4 game with UDK/UE3.

Edit: If there’s no way to get UDK to read input from a PlayStation controller, you might have to release your game as supporting only XBox controllers. For your own use, and recommended use of your customers, you can download an XBox controller emulator to turn your PS controller into an XBox controller:

Udk does support the ps3 controller just like the x360 one.The ps4 one does not work, if that is what you tried.

Yes, this is an issue… for controllers UDK’s version of UE3 supports only XInput natively, anything else has to be done through DLLs.

There used to be some DLL solutions for Sixaxis controllers but they are lost forever, at least I never found any working links. Forums and old links have died, iirc it was something on the Razer forums.

There’s also a DLL that lets you use DirectInput, I don’t know if it works or if the owner even wants you to use it commercially, he doesn’t answer to inquiries and his license is just impenetrable legalese to me…master/LICENSE

@ciox If you want the dll for the Sixaxis controllers, you can get them from Steam. Open up your Steam client, then go to Library\Tools. Download the Sixense SDK for the Razer Hydra. It should contain sixense.dll, which you can bind to in an UnrealScript class. You can bind your PlayerInput for example to the dll, and then during your PlayerInput function, you can check input from sixense.dll.

Edit: Actually, looks like sixense.dll is available from the Sixense MIDI Controller tool. I used that file to make this:

Edit 2: Nevermind. You can get the necessary files in the SDK. It’s just in the bin folder. And you’ll want all the documentation, which is in the SDK download too.

Or you can download and play with my modified version of UDK Engine NIDAL NIJM GAMES - PC/PS3/XBOX360 and develop a full PS3 Game :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Oh nice, though I assume we can’t really expand this to work with older Sixaxis controllers like the PS3’s controllers. Maybe with some serious hacks.

True, it could be a good option for Otay if he doesn’t intend to go commercial.

@ciox Huh. I just Googled it. Didn’t realize that PlayStation’s controller were called Sixaxis. For some reason I read Sixaxis and thought Sixense. Shows you how much PlayStation I’ve played in the last 20 years. Yeah, the Sixense dll isn’t going to help out at all.

Well I’m pretty sure I made the same mistake and did before too, thinking that what people did with Razer devices was “pretty close” to doing it with PS3 controllers. :smiley:

It seems we’re stuck with hiring people to reinvent PS3 controller drivers and put them in a DLL with UE3-friendly data types, it’s probably a better idea to just take the hit of shipping an XInput-only game and being upfront about it.

There’s also that DirectInput thingy but again I’m not sure if there’s any legal liability there.