Playing Sound From C++

I am trying to use the Play2D function to play a SoundCue in c++. First I got an error saying it could not convert USoundCue to USoundBase. I found out this is caused by the file SoundCue.h not being included. Changine the project from using EngineMinimal.h to Engine.h fixed the problem and my sound is working.

The problem is that I have to use EngineMinimal.h, because it is a mobile game and I need the .apk file to remain small.
So after changing back to EngineMinimal.h I tried the following things to fix it.

I added #include ‘SoundCue.h’ to the top of the relevant file where I use the Play2d function. This gave an error when building that said no such file or directory.

To fix this I tried finding the SoundCue.h file on my computer. I then tried #include ‘FullFilePathHere’ in the file. This gave error cannot open SoundCue.h.
I changed it back to #include ‘SoundCue.h’, but copied the SoundCue.h file to C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.11\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public. This gave a successful build one time and then in all builds after I got an error: :/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.11/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Public/SoundCue.h(11) : struct: ‘SoundNodeEditorData’ conflicts with class name.

Then I tried adding the line #include ‘Sound/SoundCue.h’ at the bottom of the EngineMinimal.h file. This did nothing. Gives error that say no such file or directory again.

How can I include the header file for SoundCue.h?

I appriciate any help. I am sure there is a simple sulution to this I am not seeing. It is s frustrating that it is not working.