this youtube is a good demo of how to play a video as material
Unreal Engine 5 beginner tutorial - How to add and play videos in ue5 - YouTube
using media player, converting material to video (changing RHi, to direct X11, )
the part where you need to add a event play at start of level.
if, i was playing multiple videos in a level, is there a way to query all playing videos like a tag for counting actors? or other method to code open all videos in a level?
Event BeginPlay → Open Source (media defined in open source) (media player for open source)
and then have it play ALL videos in scene at start of begin play? (instead of adding each individual media source)
note: will have different levels with different video, and do not want to call all videos in game to play, just the media sources within the level…
and side question, how many videos before it starts to kill cpu on average computer?