In 4.5.1, When I click play button, the images becomes a little bit blurer than it in editing mode.Why is it and how to fix it.thx!
Change your scalability settings for the Engine/Game. You can also try some different commands or turning off some post process effects (r.MotionBlurQuality/sg.PostProcessQuality and such).
where can I find the scalability settings.please.and can you get a console command list panel in which you can search the option and turn on or off like CE does.
Hello min++,
Here are the engine’s scalability settings location. However what you are experiencing seems to be part of your levels post process effect. Go into your global post process settings and under the section that says “Motion Blur,” set these values to 0.0.
Here are some images for reference to where you can find these settings mentioned:
Scalability Settings Location
Post Process Motion Blur Settings
Hope this helps!
Thank you guy! you are so cool!