How can I play an Anim Montage on a specific skeleton that is already inside my character blueprint setup with it’s own ABP and retargeted animation available.
So I want to execute it on the CharacterMesh and not on the Mesh above.
LogAnimMontage: Warning: Playing a Montage (Sheath_Sword_4_Montage) for the wrong Skeleton (SK_Mannequin) instead of (SK_Chr_Soldier_Male_01_Skeleton).```
You need to use the “PlayMontage” node instead of PlayAnimMontage. I know, it’s silly. But PlayMontage has the input of a skeletal mesh and PlayAnimMontage uses a Character and grabs the mesh to use automatically. They both have their unique uses but the name scheme leaves a bit to be desired.
It seems that “PlayMontage” is not available in a function inside the character’s blueprint. I can add it in the Event graph as a node but not in a function within the same blueprint.
I’m not sure I understand, @Big-Smokey. Are you saying you can’t put it inside a function?
I’m pretty sure that’s because things like that aren’t available inside functions. Like Macros and anything time-related. It’ll just have to be an event, which you can then highlight and “Collapse” if you need the space