Playground Cinematic Film


First time posting here :smiley: here’s a little environment i made recently turned into a short cinematic film.

Anyway, i hope you like it!


Hey there @Guille_Unreal1 ! Welcome back to posting with us here on the forums!

I love this scenery you’ve created and the fact that the environment is open and a little ambiguous as to what the environment outside is like. Is it a little bit of an apocalyptic situation or a playground that’s just been left to grow over? It’s a mystery really! :smiling_face:

If I may ask, how long did it take you from start to finish of this project?

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Thanks for the lovely comments!

I think its a bit of a mix of post-apocalyptic and public playground left to grow tbh. It started as more of an inner city playground but it grew into a different thing with lots of different references. The whole thing took roughly a month working on and off in spare time!


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The atmospheric environment and a good soundtrack expand the imagination. Amazing piece of art!


Hi there @Guille_Unreal1,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far!

Love the dryness and lifelessness of the environment. It feels abandoned, barren, and rather eerie. Especially considering it’s a scene of something that should be joyful and bright. Is there a story behind the project at all or just a showcase of a really well made forgotten playground?


thanks so much!!! :smiley:

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thanks! I had a vague idea before i started the project but as it happens sometimes, Unreal took me in a different and better direction. Thats why i love working with UE, everything is alive at all times and it gives you the chance to improvise a lot :smiley:


Awesome! Well done

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This is an astounding work of art that you’ve created. Congratulations on this remarkable piece of craftsmanship; I thoroughly enjoyed it. I work as a Visual Effects (VFX) Supervisor at an international studio, and my journey into learning Unreal Engine commenced during the pandemic.

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Thanks you, your words are much appreciated :smiley:


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This is great work! Watching it was emotion moving as an experience from childhood to end of life quietness and reflection all in 1:11. Thank you…

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It is wonderful, congrulations