PlayerStart Rotation-Y ignored for pawns without PlayerController

perhaps a duplicate to “PlayerStart rotation around Y has no effect, X and Z work OK” ? Not sure.

PlayerStart Rotation-Y ignored for pawns without PlayerController

  • Create a level
  • add two or more playerstarts in a way you recognize which one you are “in”.
  • have the playerstarts have rotation-Y so you can see it is active when you are controlling the window
  • play in the editor with player number > 1
  • The values in the WorldOutliner seem to be correct (not sure)
  • rotation-y is correct for the client which you control (check the view in the client window, not the values)
  • rotation-y is 0 for the clients which have no controller (check the view in the client window, not the values)
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I realize, that this is perhaps something which is not relevant for a real game. But during testing with the editor for beginner guys like me it is very difficult to have this problem.

Hi BugSwat,

Are you setting this up with networking in mind? What steps are you taking to replicate the rotation from the server to the clients?

Hello ,
yes, I am going for multiplayer.

I did not replicate anything at all.

When you start in the editor as “multiplayer”, one window is a listenserver and the rest of the windows are clients.

If you happen to be one of the clients, everything is still ok.

So, replication is not the problem I think.

The problem is not listen server versus client but the problem is PlayerController versus no-PlayerController.

Hi BugSwat,

Thank you for the clarification. After digging I found that the error in question is a known issue and has been reported as UE-24831. Unfortunately, I do not have a timeframe of when a fix will be implemented, but I updated the bug report to reflect that additional developers are experiencing this error.