PlayerStart character starts underneath my map

Twice this has happened to me today where any time I press play in my editor (UE5 5.0) my character spawns at the very bottom of my world. I’ve been looking up different fixes since this happened to me once earlier, I did fix it. Now hours later its happened again and I cannot find where or how I originally fixed the issue. I went from writting quest data tables to testing the dialog ingame and all of a sudden i now appear beneath my map. Everything works accordingly normally I was working and testing my map all day. So just looking for any answers is this a bug or did i press something somewhere without knowing. I have not changed any spawn location settings and all the collision settings are fine. PS. I am also running the Advanced combat system From the UE marketplace.

Hey there @AtomicHydra! Welcome to the community! This could be a common one. Have you replaced or adjusted your skybox lately? PlayerStarts will attempt to spawn the player outside of a collision, so if it’s surrounded by a skybox the player would collide with, it puts you outside of it. If that’s not the case, if your game doesn’t have dynamic spawns you can just change this in the PlayerStart to ignore collisions always spawn:

Hey there! appreciate the swift response! I am fairly new to the community but a crazy fast learner, I don’t think this would be the fix but ill take a look and get back with an answer.

Nope, I still appear and in the darkness of my world. This still happened even right clicking Play from here when clicked I still appear in middle earth. Thanks for the suggestion!

Alright since it’s not the common issue, let’s gather a bit of information about the scene. Does your character also spawn elsewhere if you set the spawn mechanism to camera location instead of playerstart. (this is only to test if it’s the playerstart).

Could we see a bit more into the level?

So with CCL selected it still spawns me under and now Im noticing, with my game over lay. so not even taking into account that Ive clicked camera location. Interesting.

That is interesting! So it’s got to be something else determining where to put the player. Is there anything in that location it keeps spawning you in? like an instance of the player actor or a character controller derivative? Is there anything in the game mode or level BP that could be moving the player possibly?

Everything is pre set up or already determined so it definitely shouldn’t be the case ive always been able to go off where i have my player start or right click play from this location has always worked. unless i clicked something in my project settings i didn’t notice. Game mode and everything else is fine it seems. I have been playing around with the flexible combat system bundle. i have been for months and never experienced anything like this. Its why im leaning towards a bug with UE5.03 There is very little online i have found about this scenario and the ones that have a similar issue have been different fixes that i have already gone through and don’t work. So it is strange. I did previously encounter this days ago and fixed it somehow. Id go through my history but since spending hours trying to find a solution its impossible to track where i found that solution haha!

This is definitely an odd one. There aren’t too many settings that change the position of the player. Much of the time if it’s a settings issue, it’s the player being spawned as the wrong pawn so no camera so the game makes one at 0,0,0 or something similar but that’s not the case. Let’s keep looking into possible options in the meantime.

Could you set up a breakpoint on your beginplay for your player actor? This will pause the game frame 1 as the player actor spawns. This should let us know if it’s spawning there or just being moved on the first frame faster than we can see.

Secondly, right click your player character BP in the content browser and open up the reference viewer, this will tell us all the scripts that reference the player, and one of them has to be influencing it’s location.

If your player actor itself is spawning there, the best current workaround would be to have it placed in scene and autopossess while you’re working so you can keep testing.

I’m taking a look into the reference viewer everything seems normal to me. There is to much to screen shot the entire thing.

How did the breakpoint test go?

The CCL shouldn’t be effected by player starts so it’s got to be being moved or gamemode issues. Since you’d already ruled out GM issues, this is quite the conundrum!

Im still new , im not sure what breakpoint node to add. I seemingly found some more info on people having this similar issue with save/loadstates. it maybe possible a save/loadstate defaulted to 0,0,0? some how. I have a BP_levelChange so when i load the other level separately my character loads in. but loading the main map doesn’t. Not sure if any of this info will help. Yea like the way everything is set is I should always be able to move a player start in and out from any location as long as there arent multiple starts because i have not set it up for that. Eventually save/load game will be removed for online network capabilities in the future.

This is the cuurent settp for gamemode Not sure if you can zoom in to anything. Not sure if that helps any.

Hey @AtomicHydra!
I ran into this issue a million times when working on my last project and there were a lot of things that caused this. Could I see your save location event’s logic? And what triggers the save game? Is it the player at a save station or do you save at certain checkpoints within the game?

There are checkpoints i can put into the game. “BP_Checkipoint” Currently there is only one set up check point. And now you mention it I think you may be correct If I recall this may have happened at the check point before entering a BP_LevelChange point. If what you say causes this thats the only spot i have a check point save spot.

Is this the location Print you are looking for?

Yeah that looks fine so far. Where are you setting your player’s spawn location when you load the save?

The player start is outside on the map. Just like so

When ever the map is restarted it should do a Fresh start at the “player start” and “load” should save the players current position. This is within Pause menu with Save Load or Restart game or quit options.

Ahhh that’d make sense, I didn’t know you had implemented a saving/loading of position. That’s surely to be the case then. Looks like Zap has got this for now, I’ll check back in later!

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