I need help understanding some gameplay framework elements.
- Can each character have a different player controller? (ex. I make to player controller blueprints and assign one for a male character and one for a female character)
- If so, how would you go about doing that?
The reason why I’m asking is because I’m working on a multiplayer game that has character selection. You pick your character and load into the map of course. However, each character displays their own HUD. Right now, the HUD is displaying on both screens. This is being a major pain in the side and I’m in need of help. Any help would be graciously accepted.
Doing PlayerControllers just for that seems to be overkill, make one PlayerController that handle that. Note that all classes have code inside that initiate selected classes in varables, if you set them to “None” you will disable that automation and you can then override that behavior. In you case good would be if you move HUD init to character
If you use AHUD, use this node:
If you use UMG just add widget to viewport in character, use this to remove old widget:
Alternativly you can make widget to be more elastic to character diffrences (like make setable elements?), or make a overlay HUD which only add things to existing HUD, make common stuff in PlayerController and extra in Character