Player teleporting when unpossessing from vehicle


I’m having a problem where my character starts teleporting when exiting a vehicle. I have no idea what the problem is so any idea’s would be appreciated.

In the video you can see how it’s supposed to go, then once the teleporting happen and then it goes normal again. This happens every time, it’s either normal or teleporting the first time and then teleporting or normal after that. But the teleporting never happens twice in a row.

I suspect it has nothing to do with the code but here’s my vehicle BP:

Launch Player Event [Picture 1]

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

What happens in your “Arctic Player” class when you’re possessing the boat instead?

Like for instance, is there any logic in there ticking that is also trying to set the actor location while it’s hidden, something that could conflict with the logic the boat does at “inputaction jump”?

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I totally forgot there was code for the possessing in the Player class as well:


I’m trying to understand what you mean but I’m having some trouble.

With in mind what you said I’ve moved some nodes around, made the possession happen first and then the animations, and set variables and stuff.

And I replaced the “Driver”, which was used as target, with a “Arctic Player REF”

Thanks for helping out!

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