Hello, do you guys know how I can teleport players with the longest time? For example: 5 players got teleported into a circle(all 5 were teleported at a different time maybe seconds or minutes apart) and now I want to teleport 2 of 5 people out of that circle based on their time waiting in that circle. The 2 players with the longest wait time should get teleported out. Do you know how I can do that and what devices Id need?
(The waiting time should be tracked after teleporting into that circle)
2 Player Reference Devices for the first two players arriving in, so they can be singled out for teleport once activated.
Maybe have a mutator zone and register the first player reference device to the on player entered zone event, but set not to update registered player.
Then the second player reference, which starts off disabled, is enabled by the first player reference getting a registered player,
then it can use its register player function for the next on player entered event. (device also set not to update registered player).
That should pick up the first two players
Use a timed objective or some other event to activate the player references.
Then have the teleports teleport function pointing to both player reference devices on activated event.
Hopefully that will work…
but on reflection, if any or both of the first 2 players leaves before the teleport, then it will only teleport 1 or none.
Perhaps adding another player ref in the on player entering zone sequence and a seperate teleport that is enabled by the first player references player unregistering event (sorry my UEFN is not open so I can’t remember what its called) and 4th player ref to account for the second player ref…and maybe more to account for a possible leaving of the 3rd or 4th player ref registerees…