So I’m very confused here and hoping I can get some help.
My Pawn class isn’t spawning on my player start, I was able to get it to, but then my controls no longer worked, here are the things I tried.
Verifying that project/world settings are using the correct game mode and pawn overrides, they are.
Verifying that the play setting was set to start at default location. NOTE: even when I changed it to spawn at camera location the pawn is still spawning at 0, 0, 0
Setting Auto Receive Input to Player 0 on the PlayerStart (also tried doing this on the player bp
Making the player static mesh the default root scene in the player BP. This let the pawn spawn at the player start, but then my WASD no longer worked.
4.1. Was able to get the controls active again, with the static mesh as the default root scene, but then I can’t edit the scale or anything like that so it was pointless.
Setting the player BP in the scene and just using that instead of a player start, but it seems to ignore the placed BP and just spawn the player at 0, 0, 0. Doesn’t even spawn the placed BP in the scene
Not really sure what else to do, any help is appreciated.
Hey there @Ozgalis! Welcome back to the community! You went through most of the early troubleshooting I was going to bring here, so I think the best move would be to determine everything that could be influencing this.
Are you using any other scripts that touch the player character in any way?
You mentioned you already checked the project gamemode and the world overrides so I won’t bother you on that.
Your gamemode doesn’t have any spawning logic?
Are there any other pawns with auto possess in the level?
In your gamemode, are you spawning as a spectator?
Thanks everyone for the help, I figured out the problem and it is of my own making. I have a Move Component To node on event tick, to update the target position of my pawn, but the default target position is 0, 0, 0. So every time I spawned it set my pawn at that location.
Figured this out thanks to your advice on doing some print statements and seeing it be called on startup.