Player Start does not work when its far from 0,0,0

Hello, so I was trying things with the terrain tool. I did 1, put a heightmap on it and after messing around with it for a while I scaled up to 10000,10000,1000. I had to take the skybox and scale it up to 5.

I dont know if this has something to do with the issue, if I place the player start somewhere “close” to the 0,0,0 coordinates it works fine. But even if I use the “current camera position”, if its far away from it (lets say in on of the corners) and press play: it sends me to 0,0,0 in the midle of the floor…stuck, camera doesnt even move… my zkill is sign for -2.000.000 and Im way up that so Im sure thats not the problem.

Im guessing there is some configuration that I had to change but Im not finding anything.

Objects tend to have a distance after which they’re destroyed. Chances are you’re starting past this point and your pawn is getting destroyed right away. Try turning on “World Origin Rebasing” in your world settings. This will essentially move the origin to wherever you are.

I can’t check it. Its a bit weird because I have another proyect with a mesh that I scaled to a similar size and I dont have this problem there. The only diference that comes to mind is that this proyect was the vehicule template and the one with the mesh was an empty one.


It should be the “enable world bounds check”. Alternatively if it’s a c++ project add a breakpoint in your pawn’s OnDestroy (or whatever the function is called, on my phone right now) and look at the call stack to see what’s destroying your object.

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It disables it for everything.

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Yes! It works, It also disabled kill z so I guess I should add a killZ volume?
Now, you said objects tend to autodestroy when they get far away. By disabling this options it disables that for my character or everything?

Ok, Thank you Damir!

Yeahh thank you Damir!