Hello, this is a incredibly simple question but I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I go File → New Level → Default. There is a Player Start object in my scene. I read the documentation on it but it does not seem to tell me exactly what it is spawning? What controls this? I tried deleting the player Start object and I still start with a top down character?
What is spawning this character when I press play? How do I remove it? Or change it to a first person character?
According to the documentation, the Player Start object only defines the start position. If no Player Start exists, the player character will always spawn at (0, 0, 0).
Which actor gets spawned is controlled by the game mode. You’ll need to change the Default Pawn to your own Blueprint if you want that to be the auto-spawned character. If you’re using a custom Player Controller or HUD, you can also set this here.
You could also start your project with the First Person template. That might be closer to what you need than a blank project or at least give you a leg up when starting out.
Its spawning the default PIE pawn which wouldnt be in a final game you need to change your game mode settings.
You bring up the game mode settings by going windows → world settings then pressing the world settings tab under the scene hierarchy with the level yu want changed loaded and then expand the gamemode arrow and select a different default pawn etc. make sure your gamemode is custom or sometihng editable too like firstpersongamemode
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All you need to do is set the Auto Posses option in the AI section of the character that is already in the scene. Change it to player 0 and it should be good.