I pretty sure I’m missing something basic here. I have custom spawn points per team. At the beginning everyone spawns facing the spawns direction but on death and respawn they are facing the rotation when they died which I don’t want.
Now my choose spawn point and respawn is in c++ but thought it might be related to the actor.
but you are destroying the old actor and spawning a new one right?
there must be somewhere (I think in gamemode) a respawn function where you “spawn an actor from class” . here you should be able to reset the transform. maybe its set up to a last rotation variable. otherwise try to reset the control rotation before possessing the new pawn (?).
I’ve worked a way around it, I set the actors rotation to the objective spawn actor that is in the middle of the map. My intention is to have all players face it when they spawn anyway. So I use a get look rotation