Hi everyone.
Complete Noob here, trying to learn Unreal step by step.
Here’s my situation, I’ve started a blank project, no starter content.
I’ve imported all my models and textures from blender and this seems to have worked out nice.
Thanks to tutorials on Youtube, I managed to create a player Blueprint with a static mesh (spaceship) a skybox, a basic empty level blueprint,and a mygame Blueprint to make sure it pops into third person.
On the player character I’ve created a springarm with a camera, so I can orbit around the ship.
So here comes my issue:
When I press play to launch what little game I have, the spaceship spawns instantly in the skybox face.
The Skybox is extremely huge as you can see in the added pictures, so it should not clip.
Also, the playerstart doesn’t give me a badsize notification, so in my opinion it should work fine.
What am I doing wrong that the player doesn’t spawn at the player start?
Edit: Things I’ve tried since posting this.
Check for collissions with the visibility collisions option (see printscreen.
Removed the entire level (several times), what I notice is that when I place the skybox first and scale it, I get a Bad size error on the player start.
If I remove the skybox and the direct light, it’s fine.