I’m working on a 3D floor plant to a customer and have a deadline to deliver to Friday, 8/19/16, I rode a house in SketchUp, separated by parts and imported all the pieces and the Player Start is placed inside the house .
For some reason when I start the game, even clicking the right mouse button and using the ability to play on the screen, the player goes straight to the ground and gets its locked moviment. All collisions are set to Use complex collision as simple
If I start the game in any way out of the house, the Player functions normally.
PS: The house is positioned on top and has a terrain below the house.
PS2: Some pictures showing the map with build light and some others not.
It sounds like the house may have had auto-generated collision on import and that is interfering; (the player could be starting inside of a large collision box.) Can you confirm that the house has no collision other than ‘Use Complex as Simple’?
Does the player start sprite icon look normal or does it read, ‘Bad Size’?
Good afternoon
There are two Block volumes that are on the balcony, so that the player does not see the left side of the scenery. And no, the height of the Player related to the ground is good, no bad Size.
As a test, try turning off ‘Use Complex as Simple’ and add in a floor collision for the character to walk on. Does it still have issues?
Just trying to narrow down if ‘Use Complex as Simple’ is what is causing the issue. If it is and the floor collision works, you could always just add more collisions to your other objects (walls, furniture, etc). It may not be ideal but it could help you meet your deadline.
I removed all collision of the project, and in the process I realized that removing User Complex collision as simple on the part of the house, in sequence appears a auto generated collision, now when I start the Player above the house, ‘he’ dont teletranspot in the ground anymore, now the Player just going down as expect.
Now I will put step by step the collisions on the main objects and see if the Player will be go in the ground again.
Ok, I just create a Block Volume on the floor and works fine, the Player don’t go the ground anymore, but I got 2 more problems now. The rotation axis of the camera of the Player it’s now ultra sensitive and when I move the mouse the camera move very very fast, and when I move to the balcony, I hit a collison, but there’s no collision there.
Sorry for the delay. Are you still having this issue?
I’m not entire sure offhand what would be causing this. Would you be willing to send your project for me to troubleshoot internally? You could send me a download link via private message over the forums if you like.