I want to create a pickup where the player has the ability to decide if he wants to pick it up.
The way I did this is with a pickup BP (based on Actor), a BP interface and the character BP (standard 3rd person). My pickup BP has a volume, when the player enters that volume a message is sent over a interface function to the character BP, where a string is written in the log. Now, in the character BP i have an E-event, from which I want to send a message over a second interface function to the pickup BP (object) and tell it to destroy itself.
My problem is, I don’t know how to get a reference to the initial Pickup BP (object).
You could line trace the object if you have a crosshair etc, or you just use the volume. Grab the “other actor” from the overlap function and cast it to your Character. Now make a variable “CurrentPickup” inside your CharacterBP. Inside the Pickup Blueprint, after casting the actor to your Character, you drag to return value of the cast and set the variable you just created to “self”. Now you should have a reference to the object in your character BP. Make sure to check “isValid” on the variable, before doing something with it and think about a way to clear the variable. (On End Overlap, just set this variable to NULL for example).