Hey y’all,
I’m having a time figuring out how to make my player (First Person) look at objects properly. I’m simply trying to have the player start oriented toward a specific actor in my level, but it mysteriously only works for a very specific set of actors. They are actor blueprints called “GoalA” and “GoalB”.
If I use one of these goals as the look at target, it works perfectly, but if I use one of my characters as the target (my intended look at target for what I’m trying to do), then it doesn’t work; instead it looks down toward the world origin. This happens no matter what I create and add to my level. It can’t look at anything, not a TargetPoint, not other blueprints, not an Empty Actor, nothing. Only works on these Goal blueprints for some reason:
I don’t understand how changing the Goal variable has anything to do with whether I can look at other actors in the level. i.e. I can’t even create a new box actor in my level and have the player look at that. This tells me the issue is more general/global than the Goal variables.
Unless I’m misunderstanding your answer, I don’t think it’s gonna make any difference anyways.
I gotta be missing something obvious.
(The reason I have Goal set to a variable that only references itself (and not other actors) is that I need a reference to this specific actor for scripting. I can’t change it to be anything or things will break.)
I get what you’re saying. Hadn’t thought of that as an option.
I think I found the answer. I was scripting things inside of a character blueprint, which was only giving me access to certain actors to use as look at targets.
Once I moved my script out to the level blueprint, everything worked as expected.
I don’t fully understand why it fixed things, though. Since the Goal actor blueprints were targetable for some unknown reason while the rest wasn’t. I can’t think of anything that is special about them.