Player Location (X, Y, Z) in Materials

Currently in the state of UEFN (Unreal Editor For Fortnite) we have a lot of ways to make our beautifully created worlds interact with our players. One of the abilities we lack is being able to make our grass from our foliage (Landscape Foliage) interact with our character. (shrink down when you’re above the grass)

I ask for a new material function added to UEFN Creators to allow us having access to the Player’s location in X, Y, Z (or a Vector3), this will allow us creators to utilize the player’s location and enhance player feedback.

I thank you very much for reading this, and I hope you consider this.
Have a great day : )

I agree with all of this, this would most definitely help worlds have more player feedback, hopefully we see this added!

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@abdulqaz Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

Alright! Excited to see it come to UEFN! Thank you! :handshake:

Any updates?

Hello, looking forward for this!!!