Player jump while running

Hello everyone,

I am developing an endless runner and I want to use PLAY MONTAGE for the jump animation while the character is running, basically I downloaded and imported a Mixamo animation to use it as a jump.

I retarget animation to UE5.4 and it works fine, but the effect I get in game is not correct.

I’ve made a few attempts, but either I understand where I’m going wrong.

Does anyone have any tips?

Thank you

jump mixamo

Hey @mindshell_games!

Show us your code! :slight_smile: There’s really not enough information here to give you any real help, but if you show us your code we will have a much easier time of helping.

Hope to hear back soon!

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So… what’s the incorrect effect? :rofl:
Nobody can take a guess without you providing the expected outcome, the unexpected outcome and all the related parts of your blueprints. Until then, let me give a few suggestions just in case.

  • Make sure to plug in the default slot into the main out pose of the anim graph in your animation blueprint in order to make the anim montages work. You can get the default slot by right clicking on an empty space in your anim graph, typing in “default slot” to the menu that pops up and selecting the " Slot ‘DefaultSlot’ ". Plug it’s input (source) pin into your idle animation or a state machine, and plug it’s output pin into your output pose.
  • Check if you’re triggering your montage continuously. You can only trigger it once for it to play the whole thing.
  • I would recommend having your jumping animation in a state inside your animation blueprint since it is a common mechanic in your game.

(oh wow at the same time @Mind-Brain :grin: )

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Thank you for responding to my request for support.

Here is the last test I did, basically the character does not jump.

It looks like maybe the order is the problem here.

Try this!

Player go up running in the air without active jump animation montage

I tried this new setup on BP_Player

Now Character play jump montage works but the begin of animation montage while jump the character go up in the air.

I want to use an animation where the character jumps while running .
I downloaded from MIXAMO the animation I am interested in with In Place flag and properly imported and retargeted to Mannequin UE5.4
I created the montage animation of JumpWhileRunning.

I preferred to the state machine a PLAY MONTAGE. The INPUT JUMP command is a bool.
It activates the PLAY MONTAGE, but a moment before executing the correct montage animation the character jumps while continuing to run and even when it lands.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

I was able to solve the jump problem.
I used the state machine as shown in these two photos.

To prevent the capsule component from colliding with obstacles these I make them lower.
I write the solution I was able to find, maybe there are certainly better and more professional/efficient ones.
Although it is rudimentary/simple it might be useful to someone.
Thank you @VisAgilis and @Mind-Brain for your support

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