My project was working fine earlier now all of a sudden my player input doesn’t work when I hit play. I can’t turn the camera or move my guy.
Also the ThirdPersonCharacter BP Has a bunch of warnings on it from all the Input Axis Event references ‘TurnRate’ and ‘MoveRight’ All of them have warnings.
Also this is in every project in my library. I have about 4 different projects and they all have this problem that wasn’t there earlier today.
Windows tried to update earlier and wouldn’t start and I had to do the windows startup tool thiing that puts your computer back to the last time it worked…I don’t know if that had anything to do with it but it seems like a major coincidence.
I’m running windows 7 ultimate.
I’ve been trying to fix this for the last 2 hours any help would be apreciated!
The revert mechanism should have caused trouble. Double check if you still have the correct game mode, hud and player controller defaults set properly. I would not fill a bug report if I were you, just because there should only be windows 10 pcs out there (free update, remember?). I would suggest to make another third person project and just watch how these settings are set-up, then remake them in your own project( copying the whole config could cause issues).