Player Follow Splines but they must be overlappped with first.


I’m wanting to create a Spline system for my 2D/3D hyrbid platformer, and want to make splines the player can get close too and be stuck on so they can follow bendy roads in 2.5D or certain paths in 3D, however, all tutorials on Splines just set the entire game on a spline, I want a Spline actor that’s something I can place separately in the Level for certain moments but there’s not a lot of good documentation on this. Any pointers on where to get started or is there documentation for this somewhere?

Thank you in advance!

In short, you want the player to be able to detect a nearby spline, right?

While the Splines themselves have no collision capacity of their own, Spline Mesh Components can be overlapped with. The player can hit E, perform a sphere overlap and fetch a nearby SMC which can reference the underlying spline used to shape the mesh.

So, I need to make a mesh to add to the spline component that does the communicating with the player when they are close enough to the Spline?