I’ve had a user review that they fall through the game world half the time on level load.
I have not been able to replicate this on several different pc builds and am very concerned. I have no other reports on this issue and have reached out to the user for more info (no response).
I have added several fail-safes such as raising the player start location and added in a trigger box to respawn a player if they get out of bounds but because I cannot replicate the issue, I have no idea if it fixed the issue.
I am not sure that this person meets the min specs for my game as they also mentioned awful performance (can’t replicate). I get 30fps on max graphics on my 9 year old pc (this is the pc specs I used for my min specs).
Has anyone had this issue? Any information would be greatly appreciated!
I had this in my project. First time I tried to fix it by changing to flying movement, but as final solutioin I l’ve added blocking collision box under checkpoint actor, where player spawns every time he enters game.
Initially, player spawned in some “safe” point, where I have first player start in game. Then, have a save/load system that teleports player to last checkpoint actor. Every checkpoint actor have collision box primitive at the bottom, so player teleported there and stays on it, and not falling through the ground until streaming level loaded and input enabled. All this prevents player to fall on game/level loading.
Thanks for the clarification! I’ve now added this in to the start of a new game as another fail-safe (I already had it for save files). Between this and all my other fail-safes I am hoping it fixes it. Bugs that cannot be replicated are pain. Thanks for your answer!