Hi, I know I ask this question several time but I did not receive an appropriate answer and I am a little suprise givent that it seem to be a pretty comon problem.
Hi, I have an issue. When my player stand on an actor that going up and jump, he pass throught it. I tried many thing ccd among other, but noting work, any idea how to fix it?
I am using the default first person character and I tested it on many thing including a basic cube with a basic up and down animation on a level serquence player. I only change the input base velocity cause I was annoyed by the inherited physic that coul;d brake my game.
Any Idea how to solve this issue.
Thanks I must admit I am pretty desperate on that one
Thanks I appreciate, My project is too big but I made a basic demo to show the problem you jsut have to open the main map step on the thing that look like a platform and press u and jump wehile the platform is raising and youll see here is the link which will be available one week