Player Dont stop moving after turning on Character Movement Mode to Flying

Hi, im very new to unreal engine, when i try to make charater flying, All i did is turning on Character Movement Mode to Flying, and character keep moving when i press WASD, i only use default 3rd Person project.

Hi Virus Slayer,

To get the character to stop moving when releasing WASD give a value to ‘Braking Friction’ in the Character Movement Component. (The same place where you changed mode from Walking to Flying)

Welcome to the Forums!

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Sorry im very new, i dunno what u mean

Its working thanks

Glad to see it’s working, that’s a totally valid way to set Braking Friction.

To clarify: You can also set the default friction on the Character Movement Component. Like in :02 of your video, you’d just select the Component but without filtering for ‘movement mode’ in the details