I was wondering if there is any way to create a Player controller after you have already completed and really fleshed out a Third Person BP? I just would have to have to start over. I would love nay tutorial recommendations as some of the ones I have seen are not very helpful. I guess mainly what I am looking for is what do i have to alter and or change? Is it just a few tick boxes or drop downs or is it a lot of logic?
Thank you so much!
a player controller is a completely seperate actor from the character BP so all you would need to do is to create the player controller (add new → blueprints → blueprints class → player controller). then tell your game mode that you want to use the new player controller (blueprints → gamemode → player controller).
Note this combination of buttons listed is starting from the main editor window. add new is the green button on the content browser and the blueprint button is on the toolbar near the top.
Would you mind looking at my blueprints, so I can show you the areas I am having trouble with?
by all means post some pictures of your blueprints and ill see what i can help with