Player Collision Issues with Character Selection Menu

Hi. I have a Character Selection Menu where user can choose their Avatar. Please see link to video - Character Selection Panel Issue with Player Collisions - YouTube
When user hovers over Character icon, the character is shown on platform in middle. I’ve set this up using Widget Blueprints - Character Selection Panel Widget BluePrint posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

So I have all 8 BP Characters hidden in level in exact same place, then when user hovers on character set visibility is on, and player becomes visible. The problem Im having is the characters are not spawning in the right place, most are, but a few are spawning to the left and in the air of the platform does this have something to do with the Character’s collisions? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

Sounds like it, the capsules will be ejected from other capsules, displacing one another. Pawns ignoring other pawn (for now) could be an easy fix worth trying:

Thanks for the help, your solution worked perfectly, thanks again.

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